World is Facing a Crisis of Emotions: Dalai Lama

World is Facing a Crisis of Emotions: Dalai Lama

The Tibetan spiritual leader His Holiness the Dalai Lama on Friday while speaking a ground of around 80 people including students and faculty from Emory University told that the world is facing a crisis of emotions and the elements of Tibetan Buddhism from ancient Indian tradition from Nalanda can help us in tackling with the negative emotions.

“The world is facing a crisis of emotions. Elements of the Nalanda Tradition derived from the longstanding Indian practices for developing a calmly abiding mind and deep insight (shamatha and vipashyana) have much to tell us about tackling our negative emotions and cultivating lasting peace of mind. This is why this knowledge remains relevant today, which is why I am also committed to trying to revive an appreciation of it. I believe that here in India it is possible to integrate ancient knowledge with a modern education.” His Holiness the Dalai Lama explained in the official report by his office.

His Holiness the Dalai Lama, who is a Nobel peace laureate based at his temporal abode in Dharamsala, India for the last six decades spoke to the group of young foreign visitors about the four main commitments of his life; promoting an understanding of the oneness, promoting inter-religious harmony, protection of Tibet’s fragile environment, language and its rich cultural and religious heritage and reviving reviving awareness of the value of ancient Indian knowledge.

His Holiness has also answered several questions from the audience related to creating a more compassion society, dealing with adversity, making positive use of technology and coming to terms with death according to the report. He also advised the Buddhists in the room to take a 21st century approach to their faith by developing a reasoned understanding of who the Buddha was and what he taught.

See also  Buddha’s Teachings Based On Reason and Logic: Dalai Lama

Photo by Tenzin Choejor

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