we have to save ourselves; dalai lama on coronavirus

We Have to Save Ourselves: Dalai Lama on Coronavirus

The Tibetan spiritual leader His Holiness the Dalai Lama concluded two days virtual teachings on Sunday. In the concluding remarks, the spiritual leader explained that the Coronavirus pandemic is a human problem and only humans have to find a solution. Thousands of followers from across the world attended his teachings via live streaming.

His Holiness the Dalai Lama gave two sessions of teachings with no one sitting in front of him but captured on video and webcast to the world. Viewers included Tibetan monks and nuns, laymen and laywomen throughout the settlements in India and elsewhere, as well many other people in distant locations. Devotees have been very grateful for being able to see and hear His Holiness via internet.

In the two days sessions, His Holiness taught on Chapters 1 and 4 of Nagarjuna’s “Precious Garland (rinchen trengwa)”. In addition to the texts, the spiritual leader on Saturday reiterated his primary commitments of life; promotion of human values, promotion of religious harmony and protection Tibetan language, culture and its environment.

On the second day of the teaching, His Holiness remarked that despite facing risks of losing own life, Coronawarriors, especially the health workers including doctors and nursing are dedicated at saving our lives. He stressed that he would like to thanks these warriors and urged to continue their dedication! However, people should not be losing hope. This pandemic is a human problem and only us humans have to save ourselves. He further added that only prayers from religious point of view is not sufficient.

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This is the first full-fledged virtual teaching from the Buddhist spiritual leader. “This is the first time I’ve taught in this way,” His Holiness said on Saturday, “I hope that in future we may be able to invite questions and have more interaction. Physically, at present, we have to remain apart, but by this means we can hold discussions together.”

As the spread of the health outbreak is not slowing down, India has also been taking stricter measures with the help of national lockdown to curb it. There are 90K confirmed coronavirus infections with 2.8K casualties in the country till now. The outbreak has reported almost 4.6 million confirmed cases with more than 312K casualties worldwide.

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