US Congress Releases $17 Million in Aid for Tibetans

US Congress Releases $17 Million in Aid for Tibetans

The US Congress on Wednesday has approved the bill that releases to the Tibetan people of $17 million in aid according to the latest happenings from the US.  The $17 million aid comes to the Tibetans inside Tibet as well as to those in exile in India and Nepal under the heading of “Economic Support Fund” from the US congress.

The Tibetan political head or the president of Central Tibetan Administration, Dr. Lobsang Sangay too shared the great news on his social media page wherein he has shared the link to the text of the house amendments which the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2018. Dr. Sangay in addition to sharing the message, conveyed a sincere gratitude to the US government.

“GOOD NEWS: US Congress just released an Omnibus bill which include $8 Million for inside Tibet and $6 Million for Tibetans in India and Nepal. This year an additional $3 Million for programs to strengthen the capacity of Tibetan institutions and governance in exile is included. We remain thankful to US Government.” said the post of the official Facebook page of President Lobsang Sangay on Thursday.

“$8 million has been approved for non-governmental organizations to support activities which preserve cultural traditions and promote sustainable development, education, and environmental conservation in Tibetan communities in the Tibet Autonomous Region and in other Tibetan communities in China.” explained the text of the Omnibus Bill approved by the Congress.

“$6,000,000 shall be made available for pro-grams to promote and preserve Tibetan culture, development, and the resilience of Tibetan communities in India and Nepal, and to assist in the education and development of the next generation of Tibetan leaders from such communities. $3,000,000 shall be made available for programs to strengthen the capacity of Tibetan institutions and governance.” added the bill where it mentioned that all these funds have been made available under the heading “Economic Support Fund”.

See also  Resolution in US Congress Commends Dalai Lama’s Efforts for World Peace

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One response to “US Congress Releases $17 Million in Aid for Tibetans”

  1. Tsering Avatar

    Can I have my share of 17 Million dollars? I suggest that the 17 million should be divided between all these of who pay chatral (Green Book) for following reasons.

    1) The money can be used by parents to send their children to Indian private schools. The Tibetan children’s education will improve, and no need to Tibetan schools which are only producing, semi-illiterate students.

    2) American taxpayers will benefit more; the money will produce better-qualified babysitters, hotel cleaners. And better English-speaking Uber drivers in American cities.

    3) Since a tiny percentage of Tibetans pay chatral, the present chatral payers will receive over $4000 each; this will encourage and dramatically increase the number of people pay chatral. This in turn increase CTA’s income.

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