Tibetans Cannot be Destroyed from World While We Still Live: Dalai Lama

The Tibetan spiritual leader His Holiness the Dalai Lama in Zurich said that the name Tibetan cannot be destroyed from the world while we still live. His Holiness spoke to a gathering of more than 6000 Tibetans and Tibet Supporters in a gathering on Sunday.

“Wherever Tibetans are, whether born in Tibet or outside, we all have a body of blood, flesh and bone that is Tibetan. The name Tibetan cannot be obliterated from the world while we still live.” His Holiness the Dalai Lama told the gathering of Tibetans and Tibet supporters at the Zurich Hallenstadion in Zurich, Switzerland on Sunday.

According to the official report on website of OHHDL, His Holiness the Dalai Lama also reviewed the ups and downs of relations with China over nearly 70 years. He compared them to the weather. It may storm and hail may fall, but that lifts and the sun comes out for some time, only for the clouds to roll in once more. He referred to the eras of the different leaders since Mao Zedong and the changes that have taken place. He outlined the development of the Middle Way Approach that he initiated and that the Sikyong has also adopted. He passed on a report of a Chinese official’s suggestion that criticizing the Dalai Lama as a reactionary splittist hasn’t gained much support and since he’s popular it might be more effective to embrace him.

In the morning of Sunday, His Holiness the Dalai Lama gave a teaching on introduction to Buddhism to an audience of 9000 people gathered at Zurich’s Hallenstadion in Switzerland. His Holiness was also requested to release the paperback edition of ‘The Life of My Teacher: A Biography of Kyabjé Ling Rinpoché’, Daniel Aitken, President of Wisdom Books.

See also  Dalai Lama Explains That Tibetan Struggle is Not Just Political

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