Tibetan Youth Selected to Global Youth Ambassadors for Tibet

Tibetan Youth Selected as Global Youth Ambassadors for Tibet

A young Tibetan student has been selected to the Global Youth Ambassadors, London for a period of three years from 2018 to 2021. The Tibetan student from Baroda has been selected among of the 500 youth ambassadors from over 80 countries across the world, representing Tibet.

“I am happy to announce that I am selected as Global Youth Ambassador at the Theirworld, London and I am very happy to be able to represent Tibet. As a Global Youth Ambassador, I have to campaign for their mission on education at local and national level.” said Yeshi Dawa presently reside in Baroda, India.

Theirworld is an innovative charity which helps children to fulfil their potential. Through research, pilot projects and campaigning, Theirworld is at the forefront of testing and shaping new ideas to help give children in the United Kingdom and around the world the best possible start in life.

Yeshi Daw hails from Tibet and he hold a Bachelors degree in Political Science from Banaras Hindu University and a Masters degree in Political Science from The Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda and planning to pursue a Phd in leadership soon. The Tibetan refugee currently working as Academic Administrator at Institute of Leadership & Governance, The Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda has taken various leadership roles during the course of his educational journey.

The A World at School Global Youth Ambassador network is a network of young individuals who are advocating and campaigning for education change around the world. The network offers passionate education advocates between 18 and 30 the opportunity to connect with, and learn, from other young people, while gaining knowledge and developing their skills. As part of the network, Global Youth Ambassadors (GYAs) are encouraged to take action on global education campaigns with Theirworld’s A World at School movement. It launched in 2014 and there are currently more than 700 GYAs in over 80 countries around the world.

See also  Tibetan Youth Wins 2 Year Fellowship to Become US Diplomat

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