Tibetan Youth Needs to Know about CTA: Dekyi Chhoyang

In a recent interview by Tibet Times reporter Pema Gyal to DIIR Kalon Dekyi Chhoyang la at the UN Climate Action Conference in Paris, we have brought the excerpt of the interview translated into English. The full interview by the reporter is available in Tibetan language at TibetTimes.

In response to what she has learnt from her five years of service to CTA as DIIR Kalon in Dharamshala, she has told:
“According to my five years of experience at the Central Tibetan Administration in Dharamshala, I felt CTA a very important head to lead the Tibetan cause whether it is efficient or not. It is an administration build by our predecessors confronting numerous hardships and it has been running for more than 50 years now. It is therefore vitally our duty to maintain it. Besides the Tibetan youths around Dharamshala, most of them especially those in western and european countries, do not have proper knowledge of the CTA structure and functioning. The prior responsibility of CTA is the redressal of anguish of the Tibetans inside Tibet and look after the exile Tibetan communities. If the youngsters can not contribute totally to our cause, it would be of very high significance if they have the information and knowledge of functioning of the CTA. Naturally they will realise their own responsibilities, the importance and how. I think it is a very important duty of every Tibetan.”
In her message to the public, she has said;
“The most important functions of CTA are; first interacting with Chinese people, secondly to spread the awareness about Tibetan cause in the Indian communities and seek support, thirdly environmental issues, fourth is to spread awareness about the Middle-Way approach to the Tibetan cause and in the fifth to maintain and develop various Tibet Support groups across the world. These matters can not be fulfilled solely under the responsibility of the CTA be it economically or by the head count. Therefore, every Tibetan as an ambassador of CTA should be updated with every announcement from it, follow it and propagate it. I am extending my appeal to the general Tibetan public to be united in our cause.”

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