Tibetan Youth Commits Suicide In Switzerland For Tibetan Issue

Tibetan youth commits suicide in Switzerland losing hopes of asylum and in circumstances of recently evolving incidents in the country. The Tibetan youth has killed himself in the Swiss city of Lucerne on last Thursday as the Lucerne public prosecutor has released a picture of him asking for further information.

“A Tibetan youth has reportedly committed suicide in the Swiss city of Lucerne earlier on Thursday evening. The Lucerne public prosecutor’s office issued a public notice with a photo of the deceased asking for anyone to come forward with more information.” said the report in Phayul.

“The deceased now identified as Tashi Namgyal, killed himself while laying on the railway-track between the Emmenbrücke station and Olten station and was fatally run over by the oncoming train in the early hours of Sept. 7 around 9:50 local time.” added the report.

The reporter quoted witnesses from the community in Swiss that late Tashi Namgyal has left two notes behind his suicide. The first was addressed to the United Nations appealing for them to look into the plight of Tibetans under Chinese occupation and inaction of global watchdogs further disturbing the situation.

The second note was addressed to the Swiss government appealing the distress of the Tibetan people seeking asylum in the country referring to the issue of around 300 having told to leave the country for not being eligible to get political asylum there.

Around 300 Tibetans have been directed to leave Switzerland recently. It was informed that the immigrants resettlement camp has directed around 300 Tibetans to leave Swiss on the ground that they do not fulfill the necessary documents to seek political asylum in the country.

See also  Father’s Memoir Takes Tibetan Youth To Adversity Incurred Post Chinese Invasion

The Tibetan youth is said to have resorted to such an extreme step in order to draw the attention towards seriousness of Tibet issue and the plight of Tibetan refugees across world.

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2 responses to “Tibetan Youth Commits Suicide In Switzerland For Tibetan Issue”

  1. JAMIN Denis Avatar
    JAMIN Denis

    Bonjour, je suis absolument horrifié par ce que vivent les Tibétains depuis des décennies dans leur propre pays. Si, en plus, les pays européens rejettent leurs demandes d’asile, pourquoi parle-t-on de nettoyage ethnique pour les Rohingas et pas pour les Tibétains ? Les gouvernements européens ne sont que des couards face au gouvernement chinois. L’histoire les jugera et le karma (la loi de causalité )se chargera de les punir. Les Tibétains sont des gens NON violents. J’apporte mon soutien aux tibétains en exil en parrainant deux réfugiés avec Aide à l’enfance tibétaine. Om Mani Padme Hung.

  2. Tashi tsering Avatar
    Tashi tsering

    My deepest condolence to the deceased person who recently committed suiced for pliged for 300 Tibetan refugee in Swiss and my wish is to take serious consideration for his breath taking action and may his soul Rest In Peace bhod gyalo free Tibet save Tibet

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