Tibetan Writer Shokjang Released After 3 Years in Jail

Tibetan Writer Shokjang Released After 3 Years in Jail

A Tibetan  writer who was secretly detained and sentenced to three years imprisonment by in Tibet was released after completing the sentence on Monday. Shokjang has been able to achieve the release from the prison after his detention before the sentence was credited to his three years sentence in February 2016.

“Shokjang, also called Druklo, was released on March 19 and had to be checked through several police stations before being allowed to proceed to his home in Gengya village in Gansu province’s Sangchu (in Chinese, Xiahe) county.” reported a Tibetan source living in exile according to the RFA’s Tibetan Service.

Though there are not much of detailed information about the writer, he is believed to be well and Tibetans from many different areas gathered to in the region to welcome his release. Shokjang who appealed before the court for China’s constitutional right of freedom of expression, over his 17-page writing that landed him into trouble is reported to be closely watched by the Chinese after his release.

“Shokjang, while a student of Tibetan literature at the Northwest University for Nationalities in Lanzhou, had organized student protests calling for greater Tibetan freedom under Chinese rule during widespread protests across Tibetan regions in March 2008.” explained the report that added that the writer was was later secretly detained on March 19, 2015, after writing about the increased presence of armed Chinese security forces in Qinghai’s Rebgong (Tongren) county and about crackdowns on Tibetans.

People’s Intermediate Court in Rebgong on Feb. 17, 2016 handed the detained Tibetan writer three years sentence. Shokjang was released on March 19 after completion of his three years sentence, which came after crediting the one year detainment period he spent before the sentence.

See also  Tibetan Woman Detained and Beaten for Social Media Criticism of China

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One response to “Tibetan Writer Shokjang Released After 3 Years in Jail”

  1. Dariusz Wojtow Avatar
    Dariusz Wojtow

    China is a big country with great population over 1 400 000 000 people. It includes 6 000 000 Tibetans. Great country needs more space. Small population needs protection from great population. If China humble herself before Tibet and Tibetan people purify their bad karma then situation of opression and supression will be automatically resolved. This is magic. And magic works. Fighting and bullying each other will bring more troubles for both sides. Remember about death, your own death. Where will you be reborn…? This is a six million dollars question. As whom…? A dog? A pig? A cow? A crocodile? A human being in a war zone? A human being in a peaceful country? These are questions to answer before you decide to make this thing or that thing. Bad action brings suffering. Good action happiness. So think twice before you kill or save lives. It may be your own life put on the line. Then what?

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