Tibetan Wins the Best Young Scientist Award for 2022

Tibetan Wins the Best Young Scientist Award for 2022

A Tibetan student has recently been awarded the Best Young Scientist Award for 2022. According to the report by the official news outlet of the Tibetan government in exile, the Tibetan student has been awarded the recognition at the Asian Medical Institute in the city of Bishkek in Kyrgyzstan, former Soviet Union Republic.

Tenzin Yeshi is an alumnus of Tibetan Children’s Village Schools in India before landing in Kyrgystan for further studies. The office of Tibet in Moscow’s report for Tibet.net, Yeshi has earlier been awarded the “Leading research Student Award” of 2021 of former Soviet Union Republics.

It is a rare case where a Tibetan student has moved to a part of the former Soviet Union Republics like Kyrgystan to pursue further studies. However, this is an exemplary case set out by Tenzin Yeshi as he has been consistently the topper in the academic performance at Asian Medical Institute, Kyrgyz Republic.

Tibetan refugees from India, Nepal, and Bhutan are provided their basic education by many Tibetan refugee schools set up mainly in India and Nepal. Mostly these students pursue their further studies at various universities in India. Some of them are able to obtain scholarships and funding supports from different universities in North America and Europe. The Tibetan Scholarship Program by Tibet Fund is a US government-funded program that enables at least seven Tibetan students to pursue their master’s degrees from US universities.

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