Tibet wants development not independence from China said the Tibetan spiritual leader His Holiness the Dalai Lama in Kolkata on Thursday according to the report in PTI. Irrespective of the incidents in the past, His Holiness stressed that looking towards the future, Tibet wants to stay with China not seeking independence but development.
“The past is past. We will have to look into the future,” the Tibetan spiritual leader said emphasizing that keeping aside of the incidents in the past, China must respect his people and their culture.
“We are not seeking independence… We want to stay with China. We want more development.” the Dalai Lama added.
According to suggestions in other reports, these words may be regarded as a step down from the hard stand that both Tibetans and Chinese have taken against one another. While there had been a series of dialogue between China and Dalai Lama for a peaceful solution to the Tibet issue, it failed to yield any result owing to lack of China’s conviction to resolving the issue. The development demanded of the region would more importantly refer to an end to violating human rights and disrespecting and disregarding the Tibetan culture.
While speaking about the importance of enforcing proper development of Tibet, he said that the significance of taking care of the plateau is prominent not only for the Tibetans but for the billion lives involved throughout Asia.
“From Yangtze to Sindhu rivers, major rivers come from Tibet. Billions of lives are involved. Taking care of the Tibetan Plateau is not only good for Tibet but for billions of people.” His Holiness explained.
“Tibet has a different culture and a different script… The Chinese people love their own country. We love our own country.” His Holiness added while speaking at an interactive at the Indian Chamber of Commerce in Kolkata.
Following the session, having eaten a quick lunch, His Holiness drove to Kolkata airport to fly to Delhi, from where he will return to Dharamsala today.
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