Tibet Issue Core to Solving India China Border Dispute: Prez Sangay

Tibet Issue Core to Solving India China Border Dispute: Prez Sangay

In an appearance on national television news channel, President Dr. Lobsang Sangay told that the Tibet issue is the core to solving India China border dispute. There has been a recent rise in incursions into Indian territory by Chinese border police, leading to high tension situations between the two Asian giants.

The NewsX English news channel on Tuesday invited the President of Central Tibetan Administration in Dharamshala for an interview. Talking live on the news show, Dr. Sangay explained that there was no tension along the borders for India before China occupied Tibet. Since Chinese invasion of Tibet, there has been border incursions along India’s borders.

The exile Tibetan President further explained that the Middle Way Policy proposed by the Tibetans in resolution of Tibet issue wishes to convert Tibet into a zone of peace. This will lead to demilitarisation of the whole territory of Tibet. If such a resolution can be achieved, huge spending on military along India and China occupied Tibet can be saved.

In the latest encounter, Chinese troops have trespassed into the Galwan Valley of Ladakh that has created a tense situation in the region. With intensifying military build up on both sides, the situation has not improved since a month now. Therefore, Tibet issue is the core to solving continued India China border dispute. According to Tibetans, violence is not the solution and the issue has to be solved peacefully through dialogue.

In addition to that President Sangay explained that boycotting made in China goods can achieve better results if Indian celebrities stopped endorsing Chinese products for money. Whether to boycott or not is for the consumers to decide but if popular figures of the nation stopped promoting them, it would help the campaign spear headed by India’s genius engineer Sonam Wangchuk from Ladakh to succeed.

See also  Western Support for Tibet Can’t be Excused as Free Speech China Opposes

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