The Dalai Lama Urges to Take Serious Climate Action Now

The Dalai Lama Urges to Take Serious Climate Action Now

The Tibetan spiritual leader His Holiness the Dalai Lama in his message to the delegates to the 24th Conference of Parties (COP24) to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, he urged that we have to take serious action now to protect our environment!

The following is the complete message from the Nobel Laureate and Buddhist spiritual leader, His Holiness the Dalai Lama as published in the official website of his office on Wednesday.

“I extend my greetings and prayers to my dear brothers and sisters, delegates to the 24th Conference of Parties (COP24) to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change.

I would sincerely like to thank all of you who have selflessly and tirelessly put effort into creating a better environment for the world so that future generations will be able to live a healthy, happy life.

As someone born in Tibet, the rooftop of the world, where Asia’s great rivers rise and the world’s highest peaks are to be found, I have loved nature since my childhood. I have made environmental conservation one of my life’s commitments and advocate protection of the environment wherever I go.

In spite of the huge technological developments that have taken place in our modern world, we have created many problems too. Experts tell us that human beings are responsible for global warming and the change in weather conditions. Logically this means that we human beings have a responsibility to reduce problems that we have caused and to finally eliminate them.

Climate change is not the concern of just one or two nations. It is an issue that affects the whole of humanity and every living being on this earth. This beautiful planet is our only home. If, due to global warming or other environmental problems, the earth cannot sustain itself, there is no other planet to which we can move. We have to take serious action now to protect our environment and find constructive solutions to global warming.

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When we see photographs of the earth from space, we see no boundaries between us, just this one blue planet. This is no longer a time to think only of ‘my nation’ or ‘our continent’ alone. There is a real need for a greater sense of global responsibility based on a sense of the oneness of humanity.

I want to thank UNFCCC for consistently working to reduce the negative impact of climate change and pray that this conference will be a success.

Dalai Lama
20 November 2018″

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