H H Dalai Lama Poses for Students

H. H. The Dalai Lama Poses For Budding Photography Students Of TCV Ladakh

His Holiness the Dalai Lama made visits to Zangdok Palri, representing the celestial palace of Guru Padmasambhava and TCV Choglamsar on last Sunday and in the pictures shared by the official website of His Holiness the Dalai Lama, there is a very inspiring and wonderful picture of His Holiness posing for a couple of students taking pictures with cameras along a pathway of the school campus.

“His Holiness the Dalai Lama poses for students of the TCV Photography Club at the conclusion of his visit to SOS TCV Choglamsar in Ladakh,” was captioned for the picture shown above. This is such a His Holiness way of inspiring the young people when he visits across the world and it strongly adheres to one of his most popular statemens, “I am just a simple Buddhist monk.” and this sort of genuine compassionate approach exhibits the unbounded divinely being.

The event at Zangdok Palri was a conference about celebrating Thonmi Sambhota, who created literary Tibetan 1372 years ago. His Holiness addressed the conference, “Although Thonmi Sambhota is known to have composed eight texts on Tibetan language and grammar, only two, dealing with grammar, the Sumchupa and Takyi Jugpa, survive. Whether you call it Bhoti or Tibetan, this written language is important because it preserves the profound Buddhist culture we share. In today’s rational world the epistemological texts of Dignaga and Dharmakirti, only available in Tibetan, provide us with tools for analyzing the nature reality.”

“We should not regard Buddhism only as a religion, but also as a source of knowledge and education. As a science of mind it can teach us how to deal with disturbing emotions such as anger, jealousy and greed.” His Holiness the Dalai Lama said in the conclusion “This Conference should not be merely a celebration of Thonmi Sambhota, but an opportunity to teach school children and their parents the significance of the language in which for Kangyur and Tengyur are written.”

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Following the conference, His Holiness blessed a gathering of around 5000 Tibetans at the football ground of TCV School, Choglamsar. His Holiness witnessed the traditional Tibetan song and dance performances by the students where he also addressed the audience and concluded with “It is very important for Tibetans to be united as one community. We must all make efforts in this regard. History will remember our efforts, so we must constantly rededicate ourselves with courage and see the present circumstances as an opportunity to fulfil our potential. Our Tibetan culture is a culture of peace, of non-violence and of compassion. This is the kind of culture the world’s entire 7 billion people need. Therefore, I believe we Tibetans have a significant contribution to make to the world on the basis of our own traditions.”

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