A Review of TED: Tibetan Entrepreneurship Development

Tibetan Entrepreneurship Development or better known as TED is an initiative under the Social and Resource Development Fund(SARD) by Finance department of Central Tibetan Administration, Dharamshala. TED is a formed to bring about the strong impact in the field of entrepreneurs and business programs carried out in our society. The basic objective behind TED is to solve the increasing youth unemployment and underemployment to make our society economically more sustainable and more self-reliant.

Tibetan Entrepreneurship Development Winners
Tibetan Entrepreneurship Development Winners
TED business development support program
TED business development support program

TED offers variety of services to help entrepreneurs at various stages of their business. They help you start your business as well as services to already established business to grow. TED also helps you with any legal issues you have with your business. You could be a person aspiring to be an entrepreneur with a business plan in mind. TED offers pre-incubation program which provides support to start your business. Also a business setup facing trouble growing the business can apply for incubation program which will help find more clients or reach out to more markets. You could apply TED programs and connect with the right people to help you grow your business.
The TED programs which are Pre-Incubation Program and Incubation Program provides opportunities for both aspiring Tibetan entrepreneurs and existing business set ups. In last September, TED showcased nine start-ups through a standard process of selection rounds and it granted eleven lakh rupees to four companies which are, Tendril Travels, Tibetan iTech, KA and Tibetan Physiotherapy Clinic. The rest of companies showcased at the event are: Tibetoonz Studio, Yakooh, Lhasa Capital, City Momo and Kusang Studio.

Now TED has made its call for the second batch of Business Development support program and it has mentioned an availability of ten seats for the competition with last date of application being 30th November, 2015. The application forms are available at the local Tibetan Settlement Offices and also can be downloaded from their website www.tibetanentrepreneurs.org.

See also  Tibetan Election 2016: Official Preliminary Results


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