RTYC Bangalore Rejoins TYC

Reunification Of TYC: Bangalore Rejoins TYC Centrex After Mundgod

In the latest happenings from the ongoing regional tour by the Central president Tenzin Jigme and general secretary Tashi Lamsang, the long separated regional chapter Bangalore has rejoined the Tibetan Youth Congress centrex. Now Bangalore becomes the second chapter to rejoin the centrex after Mundgod joined it two days ago.

“Good News: Rtyc Bangalore rejoins Tibetan Youth Congress.” posted the official Facebook page of Tibetan Youth Congress centrex on the evening of last Saturday. The post include pictures of the central representatives meeting with the regional members and the students in the region at the Tibetan Youth Hostel auditorium.

The official Facebook account of the Regional Tibetan Youth Congress also announced through a post yesterday “In total 160 people attended the meeting out of which 50 people were students from Dalai Lama Institution for Higher Education. We conducted a fair vote and 133 people voted that RTYC Bangalore should be under the umbrella of TYC Centrex whereas 23 people opposed and 4 votes became invalid since they were empty.”

The post described that the representatives of the Central TYC held the meeting with the regional gathering to clarify and finally resolve the issue between the two. It said that the decision to rejoin the centrex was based on the result of the vote which won a overwhelming 83% in favour of rejoining the centrex.

Eight regional chapters left the organisation owing to the conflict between Article I of the organisation’s commitements, which promises to follow the Dalai Lama and his policies (which would include his Middle-Way Policy for autonomy), and Article IV which resolves to seek independence for Tibet.

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“What we need now more than ever is unity in our struggle.” explains the president of the organisation and describe these reunifications as an achievement for the struggle of the Tibetan cause.

Tibetan Youth Congress is the largest Tibetan non-government organisation in the diaspora and its ideology is to seek complete independence for Tibet from China. The organisation was started in the year 1970.

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