Report: Niece of Tenzin Delek Rinpoche Reaches India

A blog article of the Free Tibet group mentions that Tulku Tenzin Delek Rinpoche’s family member, his niece Nyima Lhamo has escaped from occupied Tibet and reached Dharamshala in India on last Sunday.

“Nyima Lhamo arrived in Dharamsala yesterday, where she was formally welcomed by staff from Gu Chu Sum Movement Association of Tibet, the Tibetan organisation for former political prisoners. Nyima Lhamo will meet with staff from Free Tibet’s research partner Tibet Watch in the coming days.” said the article.

“Tenzin Delek Rinpoche was a popular senior monk from Litang in Kardze County. He was known for his activism for the wellbeing of Tibetans and the environment and his work with schools and orphanages and recognised by Tibetan Buddhists as a reincarnate lama. He was the most high-profile Tibetan political prisoner before his death, aged 65, on 12 July 2015.”

Chinese authorities had accused him in a bomb explosion in Sichuan in 2002 and despite absence of any evidences, they sentenced him to a 20 year imprisonment while the alleged accomplice Lobsang Dhundup was executed in 2003 without any evidence either.

“On 2 July 2015, family members were suddenly invited to visit him, but on arrival in Chengdu they were repeatedly denied access to the prison. On 12 July, they were informed by authorities that he had died.” said the article.

“Later in July, Dolkar and her daughter, Nyima Lhamo, were arrested in a restaurant in Chengdu and detained on suspicion of sharing details about Tenzin Delek Rinpoche’s death. No charges were filed against them and after two weeks in prison they were returned to their homes in Nyagchuka  in Kardze County.” said the article.

See also  Tibetan Almost Kills Himself In Front Of China Embassy For Free Tibet

Though the officials after two weeks returned them to their homes without any charges, the true cause of Rinpoche’s death is unknown even today!

Hope this escape would lead forward Rinpoche’s legacy.

Note the mistake in the previous version of the article that claimed even her mother’s escape which is not true. Misinformation is highly regretted.

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