Police continue to monitor Tibetan former political prisoner who is in poor condition.

Dharamshala, 2nd February: Despite being crippled by beatings while in custody, a Tibetan monk incarcerated for six years for taking part in Tibetan independence movements is still being observed by police years after his release. According to RFA Geshe Tsewang Namgyal, a former monk at the Draggo monastery in Sichuan’s Kardze (in Chinese, Ganzi) Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture, was released in deteriorating health on Jan. 24, 2018, and is currently in serious condition.

“He is succumbing to weak health due to the beatings he received in prison and is now in critical condition with both his legs crippled,” RFA claimed, citing contacts in the Draggo.

Namgyal was detained on Jan. 23, 2012, after taking part in a peaceful protest against China’s authority in Draggo that turned fatal when police fired into the crowd. According to the source, Namgyal was later released from prison under various terms.

“He was not allowed to return to Draggo monastery, could not take part in any gatherings or own a cell phone, could not describe his experiences in prison with anyone, and had to obtain permission from the police before traveling or seeking medical treatment in a hospital.”

Dralha, the monastery’s accountant, and Khenpo Tenga, a religious instructor, were arrested with Namgyal during the protest in Draggo. According to RFA, both are currently in poor health. As per RFA, Dralha has lost his vision, and due to severe injuries to Khenpo Tenga’s head, he cannot hear and has difficulty sleeping.

Wangden Kyab, a researcher at Tibet Watch in London, chastised authorities for paying the three former detainees undue attention.

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“Even after these Tibetan political prisoners had served their sentences and were released in failing health, the Chinese authorities are keeping an eye on them because they want to be sure they don’t engage in such activities again, and because they want to eventually wipe them out,” he stated.

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