Note Of Switzerland Tibetan Suicide Appeals World For Tibetan Cause

Note Of Switzerland Tibetan Suicide Appeals World For Tibetan Cause

Note of Switzerland Tibetan suicide appeals world for Tibetan cause and it is saddening to know that the deceased had killed self with a belief to draw world attention through the best means by not harming the others. The Tibetan man was left a note of lists where his intention was to appeal for help to the Tibet issue and the Tibetans in distress.

Tashi Namgyal, the decease is a Tibetan man estimated to be in his 30s and he had taken his own life by lying under the train tracks. It is reported as per the police record the he took this step outside the Emmenbrücke station in Switzerland last Thursday.

The Tibetan Community in Switzerland and Liechtenstein has released in a statement where they have read the suicide note of Tashi Namgyal in the hand of police and they have pointed out that despite the detail identity of the Tibetan suicide is not yet known, he has given his life for the Tibet cause. The following are the points of his note as released:

  1. Appeal the United Nations for the Tibet cause
  2. Welcome His Holiness the Dalai Lama to Tibet
  3. Appeals for the recognition Tibetan political asylum applicants in Switzerland and appeals for help to the Tibetans in distress. (Around 300 Tibetans have been directed to leave Switzerland recently. It was informed that the immigrants resettlement camp has directed around 300 Tibetans to leave Swiss on the ground that they do not fulfill the necessary documents to seek political asylum in the country)
  4. The suicide is solely his own decision and not in any manner influenced by anybody.
  5. Through this non violent act, he expects the world to know and support the Tibet issue.
  6. He finally hopes for his family to acknowledge his bold act.
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Though the original note of  his suicide will only be handed over to the family members by the police, the officials of the Tibetan community had the opportunity to read the note. The office of the Tibetan community in the released statement announced that late Tashi Namgyal is a Tibetan martyr who has sacrificed his own life for the Tibet issue and the welfare of the Tibetan people in distress.

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