With All Recovered, Mundgod Tibetan Settlement Becomes Free of COVID-19

With All Recovered, Mundgod Tibetan Settlement Becomes Free of COVID-19

Mundgod Tibetan refugees settlement in South India has now become free of COVID-19 as two remaining positive cases recover. With the discharge of two remaining Tibetan patients of Coronavirus from local municipal hospital, one of the largest Tibetan refugee settlements have now brought the total number of positive cases to zero.

From a total of 454 Tibetans quarantined at the facilities of Mundgod Tibetan settlement, a total of 15 of them have been tested positive to Coronavirus infection. While 13 of them were already recovered, two remaining cases are reported to have recovered on Sunday. As they returned to their settlement, the Tibetan settlement have brought the number of positive cases to zero.

This is an exemplary leadership exhibited by the local community head such as the Tibetan Settlement Officer, Camp Leaders and the Monastic Administrators. Despite the patients age ranging from 12 to 83, there has neither been any fatalities nor serious transmission within the community.

With a population of more than fifteen thousand including largest seats of Tibetan Buddhist Centers, Mundgod Tibetan settlement faces imminent threat of the pandemic. Moreover, the number cases in India has been reporting daily record spikes. According to the local authorities, a strict lock down has been imposed within the settlement. It is being advised to all its stranded residents returning back to consult with their camp leader prior to arrival so that a quarantine facilities is arranged.

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