Miss Tibet Speaks About Miss Global Experience

Miss Tibet Speaks About Miss Global Experience

Across the other end of the e-mail sits Miss Tibet 2016, Tenzing Sangnyi who recently participated in this years’ Miss Global, held in Manila, Phillipines. I was eager to know what she had experienced there and so decided to have a short conversation with her.

How was it? Nothing short of amazing I presume?

At first, I must admit I was intimidated. It’s only natural, I believe. But the events unfolded in such a way that I soon realized it was definitely one of the best things to have happened to me. So yes, nothing short of amazing!

Ah that’s great to hear. I believe there were all sorts of competitions and practices you had to do in order to prepare for this pageant. Any event or incident that u think was significant in this pageant for you?

Yes, we did. It could be daunting at times. We were almost always practicing everyday.

I think the ‘interview round’ for the prelims was significant for me. This was where the judges would personally interact with me. I knew that it was here I could talk about my life, my journey. At one point, each person in the room was smiling admirably at my uncommon story and eager to ask me questions because they knew I had something different to tell them.

I am sure you did. And you must have had your own personal favorite to win besides u?

There are quite a few girls that come to my mind each of whom deserved to win but if I had to pick one, it would have to be Ms.GlobalThailand. I learned a lot from her.

See also  Miss Tibet 2016 Tenzin Sangnyi At Miss Global Pageant

OK here comes the serious question; Representing Tibet on a global platform, did u feel any extra sense of responsibility? How did you manage that?

Miss Tibet Speaks About Miss Global Experience
Miss Tibet 2016, Tenzin Sangnyi at Miss Global held at Manila, Philippines.

Becoming Miss Tibet is both an honor and a responsibility. I knew that representing Tibet is not the same as representing any other country, especially on a global platform. Therefore I was mentally prepared for it and just took one step at a time. Like I said, I told them our story of struggle for freedom and certainty. I told them of the fears we had as people without a home and in that way, I thought I had kept the spirit of our struggle alive.  I felt so proud to be more than a pageant girl; I was representing every Tibetan, every refugee.

Thank you for your time, this is the last one and it’s not to do with the pageant. What’s your next project ? Are you going to take a short break? You probably need one.

Not any major project planned as of yet but I will continue my fundraising that I have been doing over the past few months.

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