Lone Female Minister Vows to Prioritize Tibetan Language and Culture

Lone Female Minister Vows to Prioritize Tibetan Language and Culture

The new minister of the present cabinet of President Lobsang Sangay, Dr. Pema Yangchen was sworn in to take the responsibility of the Department of Education last week. Dr. Yangchen who is also the lone female minister in the present cabinet has told that her priority will be promotion of Tibetan culture and language.

After taking the oath from Chief Justice Commissioner of the Tibetan Supreme Justice Commission, Mr. Kargyu Dhundup last Tuesday in a swearing in ceremony held at the auditorium of T building in the compound of Central Tibetan Administration in Dharramsala. Dr. Pema Yangchen took the charge as the Kalon (minister) of the Department of Education on Wednesday.

Dr. Pema Yangchen was approved by the Tibetan Parliament in Exile when President Sangay introduced on the floor of the parliament during the second part of the seventh day of the recently concluded budget session by 26 votes in her favour and 15 votes against the nomination.

Following the events of replacing North America representative Mr. Penpa Tsering by former Kalon of Department of Education, Mr. Ngodup Tsering late last year, the department was taken care of as an additional responsibility by the Kalon of Department of Religion and Culture, Ven. Yuthok Karma Gelek. Dr. Yangchen has told that her priority will be the promotion of Tibetan culture and language as that is the foundation of Tibetan people.

“His Holiness the Dalai Lama has always said that culture and language are the foundations of Tibetan people. He has maintained that the Tibetan language is the way to understand the Tibetan culture, which has the potential to help others and bringing about peace and harmony in the world,” Dr. Pema Yangchen said after swearing in last week.

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