Led by Example and Inspired by Selflessness: Scheherazade Foundation Gold Medal Awarded to His Holiness the Dalai Lama

Led by Example and Inspired by Selflessness: Gold Medal Awarded to His Holiness the Dalai Lama

The Tibetan spiritual leader His Holiness the Dalai Lama has been awarded the Scheherazade Foundation Gold Medal in recognition of honoring those who have led by example and inspired by selflessness. Mr. Timur Shah, CEO of the foundation visited the Office of Tibet, London to hand over the medal to the Representative the spiritual leader.

The Scheherazade Foundation stated in the letter along with the gold medal that the organization is greatly honored to confer the award upon His Holiness the Dalai Lama in respect of his selflessness and life-long work, in the fields of Humanities, inter-faith, and world peace.

“On this seventeenth day of April 2023, The Scheherazade Foundation is greatly honored to award a gold medal to His Holiness the Dalai Lama, in respect of his selflessness and life-long work, in the fields of the Humanities, Inter-Faith, & World Peace.” stated the official letter.

“In addition, The Scheherazade Foundation is proud to nominate His Holiness the Dalai Lama as an Honorary Fellow, in the spirit of future prosperity and peace for all humankind.”

The Scheherazade Foundation makes Gold Medal Awards both to living people from all backgrounds and walks of life, as well as posthumously, to individuals who have led by their extraordinary and outstanding example. Nominees are selected by a panel of youth hailing from six continents. In most cases, the awards are presented without great fanfare, but rather through a low-key private presentation.

Distinguished laureates of The Scheherazade Foundation Gold Medal include the likes of Nelson Mandela, Mother Teresa, Luciano Pavarotti, Sir David Attenborough, Sir Micheal Plain, etc. His Holiness the Dalai Lama is based in North India with refugee status and has been devoted to promoting the oneness of humanity, inter-faith harmony, and human rights in oppressed parts of the world like Tibet, through a peaceful, compassionate approach.

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