Indian Government Directs Tibetans To Register RCs Online By March 2018

Indian Government Directs Tibetans To Register RCs Online By March 2018

According to a recent directive to the Central Tibetan Administration from the Ministry of Home Affairs/Foreigners Division, Tibetans have been advised to complete online registration of their Registration/Residential Certificates by the end of March this year. The president of CTA, Dr. Lobsang Sangay also urged Tibetans possessing RCs to comply to the directives on Wednesday.

The MHA’s Foreigner’s Division has informed the Tibetan authorities that despite an estimated population of around one hundred and twenty thousand Tibetans believed to be residing across India, only around thirty thousand of them have been registered till now. The ministry has therefore told the Tibetans to register their RCs to the online portal as the ministry is also planning to develop a centralized database for the Tibetans.

Except on special circumstances, every Tibetan holding RC requires to register that into the online portal before 31st of March, 2018 so that their documents remain valid. It has also been directed that further issuance of Residential Certicate (RC)/Registration Certificate will preferably done online.

An important thing to note from the directive is that only those Tibetans whose RCs are registered online will be considered for granting five years validity on renewal. While the existing eligibility of issuing five years RC extension for those Tibetans who have stayed for more than twenty years will continue to remain valid, renewal of RCs without online registration will be valid for one year with provision of extension by one year on each occasion.

With online registration provision, transfers of RCs for those Tibetans shifting from one place to another will also be allowed to done online which frees the Tibetans from the need for personal visits in the existing process. Normal cases of delays in RC renewal will be liable for fine/penalty as per provisions of Law, Tibetan migrants whose RC renewals were delayed due to serious offenses, stringent action like prosecution/imprisonment will be taken.

See also  Clash Between Tibetans and Locals in HP Village Sataun

This is the link to the portal for online registration of your RC.

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13 responses to “Indian Government Directs Tibetans To Register RCs Online By March 2018”

  1. Tenzin Kunga Avatar
    Tenzin Kunga

    before 31st of March, 2017 ?

    I guess it should be ”before 31st March 2018” and not 2017?

    Thank you

    1. Tsewang Avatar

      I heard so too. Central database for Tibetans? Whats government upto?

  2. Tenzin Worden Avatar
    Tenzin Worden

    It’s not comfortable for us to keep a single people means as RC.
    As it’s easy to lost and easy happen anything .
    So I thought its better to make a book same as before . . But we can make it online registration .
    For renew and departure stamp etc.
    All put on book is better .

  3. sonam Avatar

    hi, i really ur help.. how to make a new RC if our RC lost and have no copy of the old RC. please suggest. the fro office in karnataka asked for big amount of money that not possible for me to give.. please advise what should i do. it has been 1.5 years lost..

    1. Dolma Avatar

      Hi do we need to make appointment priorly if we need to visit frro bamgalore office? Or we can enter anytime for enquiry..

      1. Sangey Tsering Avatar
        Sangey Tsering

        Anytime of working hours Ray..

  4. Sangey Tsering Avatar
    Sangey Tsering

    Indian’s growing security concern is justify as it should hv done long time ago. Online renewal of rc provision is great steps for easy n convenient way to every individual though it might be little hard at the beginning but eventually it would be good and better for all. Thanks to the govt of India . Jai hind.

    1. Tsering Avatar

      i already did my online registration last year, but i have little doubt regarding RC renewal (registration extension) i cant see any guide regarding “registration Extension”meaning RC renewal. could you please guide if you have done it?

  5. gyur Avatar

    i already did my online registration last year, but i have little doubt regarding RC renewal (registration extension) i cant see any guide regarding “registration Extension”meaning RC renewal. could you please guide if you have done it?
    thank you

  6. Tenzin Avatar

    Does anyone have any idea about penalty fee if you are late to renew your RC?
    How much is it per month?

  7. Tenzin sangpo Avatar
    Tenzin sangpo

    I need help…i have lost my rc n i have no copy of tht…its been 4-5 years tht i hve lost….how to make new one n how much is the penalty….help

  8. Chime dolker Avatar
    Chime dolker

    Hi I just need your help.. I want to ask you that i had renew my Rc at karanataka state after if I go to dharamsala,can my Rc will renew at there online.. Thanks

    1. Editor TJ Avatar
      Editor TJ

      To renew RC, you will need supporting document from the respective settlement offices. Therefore you can fill your forms from anywhere but u will need the supporting letters from the settlement office in Karnataka.

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