Is India Isolating the Dalai lama to Calm China Ties?

Is India Isolating the Dalai lama to Calm China Ties?

Owing to the recent experiences of Modi government’s tactics in dealing with the Tibetans and their spiritual leader His Holiness the Dalai Lama, the report in the Economic Times suggests that India may be increasingly isolating His Holiness in order to calm their ties with powerful neighbour China.

“The Tibetan spiritual leader, the Dalai Lama, faces increasing isolation in his home in exile as India tones down an assertive stand toward its powerful neighbour and rival, China, in the hope of calming ties strained by a border stand-off.” said the report in the Economic Times on Thursday.

After Narendra Modi’s bold expressions from inviting the Tibetan President Lobsang Sangay to his swearing-in ceremony to facilitating the Tibetan spiritual leader His Holiness’s visit to Arunachal Pradesh against China’s will last year, Modi is seemingly reversing his course in dealing with China ahead of series of diplomatic ties scheduled between the two.

“Now Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s government, is reversing course, apparently after realising its hard line on China was not working, and the Dalai Lama is facing the cold shoulder.” added the report.

Recently, due to government’s reverse course, several Tibetan events involving the Dalai Lama has been cancelling over India’s discomfort. The moves have clearly been read as India’s cautiousness to improve their ties with China after the incident of 73 day stand-off between the frontier forces of India and China in Doklam last year. However, India has reported that they haven’t changed their stand on Dalai Lama and Tibet where they affirmed his status as a revered religious leader and is deeply respected by the people of India.

See also  His Holiness says Zeya will help improve the situation in Tibet.

While China also acknowledged that their ties with India is gradually improving after the recent incidents of cancelling Tibetan events, India however announced that they are ready for dealing with any outcome at the Doklam. In addition to that, the Ministry of Home Affairs decision to permit the Karmapa’s visit to Sikkim may annoy China owing to their sensitivity over the Himalayan region.

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3 responses to “Is India Isolating the Dalai lama to Calm China Ties?”

  1. Tenzin Avatar

    Indian government and its external strategies should be governed to uphold the Indian constitutions rather than the protocols appeasing China. Otherwise, it will be Indian external governess will not be democracy regime instead it becomes communist regime, which is embrassment to the Indians forefathers, who established democracy from the British rule. Besides, Indian should not forget Indo-China 1962 border dispute.

  2. Lhamo Avatar

    Indian government and its external strategies should be governed to uphold the Indian constitutions rather than the protocols appeasing China. Otherwise, it will be Indian external governess will not be democracy regime instead it becomes communist regime, which is embrassment to the Indians forefathers, who established democracy from the British rule. Besides, Indian should not forget Indo-China 1962 border dispute.

  3. Denpai Dakpo Avatar
    Denpai Dakpo

    Nothing to worry about, if even a Thank You Event is seen as Anti China and India concerned about it, Tibetans can find other means. Now what about Thank You ‘US, France, Germany, Canada, Australia, and rest of the countries’? Are Tibetans going to thank only India? no doubt India is number 1 though.

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