I Am Totally Fine, You Do Not Need to Worry: Dalai Lama

I Am Totally Fine, You Do Not Need to Worry Says Dalai Lama

The Tibetan spiritual leader His Holiness the Dalai Lama on Monday arrived at his residence at the Tibetan Youth Hostel in Rohini, New Delhi. On arrival at the residence while hundreds of Tibetans greeted him, His Holiness assured that he is totally fine now and there is nothing to worry.

His Holiness the Dalai Lama after going through a treatment for chest infection at the Max Hospital in New Delhi earlier this month, the Tibetan spiritual leader recovered in three days and continued the follow up visits to the hospital. On Monday, His Holiness arrived at his residence at the Tibetan Youth Hostel from Sheraton and according to the official reports, he will stay there for a few days before returning to his residence in Dharamshala.

“His Holiness the Dalai Lama moved to the Tibetan Youth Hostel located in Delhi yesterday. The Tibetan Spiritual leader, who has completed treatment, will recuperate in Delhi for a few days before leaving for his official residence in Dharamshala.” said the official report in website of Central Tibetan Administration.

While hundreds of Tibetans greeted His Holiness at the Tibetan Youth Hostel, he told the devotees that he is totally fine and there is no need to worry. The secretary of the Bureau of His Holiness the Dalai Lama in New Delhi assured that his health is perfect now.

“His Holiness the Dalai Lama arrived at Tibetan Youth Hostel at 9: am. His health is perfect now. He greeted the well-wishers gathered to receive him from the main gate up to the lift. Around a hundred students and representatives of different NGOs and Samyeling Tibetan Settlement were among the well-wishers.” said the secretary, Mr. Tsering Dhondup according to the report.

See also  India Always Stood With Tibetans, Tibet Will Also Stay With India: Dalai Lama

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