His Holiness the Dalai Lama Returns to Dharamsala From Japan

His Holiness the Dalai Lama Returns to Dharamsala From Japan

His Holiness the Dalai Lama returns to his temporal abode of Dharamsala in North India following a tour of more than one week to Japan. The Tibetan spiritual leader returned to a warm welcome by the local Indians and the Tibetans lined along the roads throughout the trip till his residence in Mcleod Ganj.

His Holiness the Dalai Lama made a 10 day visit to Japan where he gave two religious teachings in Yokohama, His Holiness also participate in a dialogue between Modern Science and Buddhist Science at the National Convention Hall. The Tibetan spiritual leader also gave a couple of public talks in Tokyo while His Holiness also visited the Tochoji Temple in Fukuoka, Kyushu before wrapping his 10 days tour of Japan.

The Tibetan spiritual leader also met with the members of All Party Japanese Parliamentary Group for Tibet (APJPGT), the largest parliamentary group for Tibet anywhere in the world on last Tuesday and thanked parliamentary group for their resolutions on Tibet, which was formally read out in Japanese.

“I appreciate your resolution about Tibet. Over the last 70 years since they occupied the country Chinese hardliners have tried different methods, the use of force, brainwashing and bribery to diminish the Tibetan spirit. But the greater the suppression, the stronger the Tibetan spirit grows.”

From 3 to 5 December, His Holiness will give a three-day teaching on Shantideva’s A Guide to the Boddhisattva’s Way of Life (chodjug) in Sankisa, Uttar Pradesh. The teachings are being organized by the Youth Buddhist Society (YBS) of India.

From 28 to 31 December, His Holiness will give a three-day teaching on Gyalsey Thokme Sangpo’s 37 Practices of a Boddhisattva (laklen sodunma) and Dharmakirti’s Pramanavartika – Commentary on Valid Cognition (tsema namdrel). The latter topic is a continuation of His earlier teaching given in December 2015 at the request of Tashi Lhunpo Monastery. On December 31 morning, there will be a long life offering ceremony for His Holiness.

See also  US Praises India’s Generosity for Supporting Dalai Lama and Slams China

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