Extensive Security Arrangements Made for Dalai Lama Visit in Bodhgaya

Extensive Security Arrangements Made for Dalai Lama Visit in Bodhgaya

As the Tibetan spiritual leader His Holiness the Dalai Lama is scheduled to arrive in the spiritually holy city of Bodhgaya on Sunday, the local authorities have confirmed of elaborate security arrangements made for the three week visit.

As the day for His Holiness the Dalai Lama’s arrival to Bodhgaya approached, the concerned officials from Central Tibetan Administration has reportedly urged the district officials to ensure adequate security arrangements be placed in there. 

The security concern is particularly on high alert following last year’s triggering of a low intensive explosive in the compound of the monastery where His Holiness the Dalai Lama was stationed. Three low intensity explosives were planted in the compound by terrorists who were later identified as members of the Jamaat-ul-Mujahideen Bangladesh(JUMB).

“The entire Buddhist township of Bodh Gaya has turned into a fortress, with heavy security deployed for the fortnight spiritual sojourn of Tibetan spiritual leader the Dalai Lama, who is scheduled to arrive here on December 16. 800 security personnel have already been deployed and the Gaya police have sought additional 200 security personnel to complete the security layers, as discussed during a meeting of the Patna Zone inspector general (IG) NH Khan.” said the report in the Hindustan Times.

Gaya senior superintendent of police Rajeev Mishra, who reviewed the security arrangements today, said according to the report that they are taking no chance and every corner of the Buddhist Township would be under continuous surveillance. He said that 1000 police personnel would be deployed to keep close vigil.

See also  Report On Dalai Lama’s Possible Visit To China Mistaken: CTA Clarifies

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