Dalai Lama's Office Clarifies Against Allegation of $1 Mn Fees

Dalai Lama’s Office Clarifies Against Allegation of $1 Mn Fees

Neither His Holiness the Dalai Lama nor the Dalai Lama Foundation Received $1 Million For His Holiness’s appearance in Albany as being alleged through an article in the Daily Daily on Thursday, clarifies the office of His Holiness the Dalai Lama through the official website confirming that the allegation has no basis.

According to the Daily Mail article, the Tibetan spiritual leader His Holiness the Dalai Lama has been alleged of having received a $1 million to speak at an event hosted by NXIVM – a self-help organization founded by billionaire Keith Raniere. It added that the deal saw the Dalai Lama speak to 3,000 followers of NXIVM, suggesting that the agency can reveal this allegation.

However, the Office of His Holiness the Dalai Lama issued an immediate clarification statement informing that His Holiness the Dalai Lama never takes an honorarium or fee of any sort, nor does he require that any payment be made to charities or organizations, as a condition of his making a personal appearance. The following is the complete statement:

“Bodhgaya, Bihar, India – The January 24, 2018 Daily Mail article by Ryan Parry regarding an appearance by His Holiness the Dalai Lama at an event held in Albany, New York in 2009 contains incorrect statements and untrue allegations.

We wish to categorically state that His Holiness the Dalai Lama never takes an honorarium or fee of any sort, nor does he require that any payment be made to charities or organizations, as a condition of his making a personal appearance. Therefore, the reported allegation has no basis. Neither His Holiness the Dalai Lama nor the Dalai Lama Foundation ever received the alleged $1 million in connection with His Holiness’s appearance in Albany.

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As reported in the Daily Mail, during His Holiness’s talk in Albany in 2009, he called on the media to investigate the allegations made about the NXIVM organization and its founder, and was quite clear that the truth should be exposed.” said the official clarification statement.

His Holiness the Dalai Lama is a highly respected religious figure across the world for his tireless effort in the promotion of love, compassion and peace in today’s world. His Holiness is regarded and respected as a torch bearer of peace, felicitated with Nobel Peace prize in the year 1989 and despite at the age of 82, he travels around the world to promote his noble message for the good of humanity.

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One response to “Dalai Lama’s Office Clarifies Against Allegation of $1 Mn Fees”

  1. Hongfu Ding Avatar
    Hongfu Ding

    His Holiness the Dalai Lama is a great man.

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