Dalai Lama Tells World Leader to do More on Global Warming

Dalai Lama Tells World Leader to do More on Global Warming

The Tibetan spiritual leader His Holiness the Dalai Lama in a video message to world leaders has urged to do more on the pressing issue of global warming. His Holiness conveyed his message at the virtual convention of G7 parliamentarians. The Group of Seven is an international intergovernmental economic organization consisting of seven major developed countries.

The Nobel Peace laureate in the video message stressed that we have to learn from past experiences that it is really important to take the interest of entire humanity into consideration rather than any particular country or groups. He stressed that issue of global warming has become very serious today.

“Now we should pay more attention about global warming. Due to global warming, there is too much rain in some areas, others are dry, so these people suffer, particularly in Africa and some areas in India and China, too,” said His Holiness the Dalai Lama while noting that climate change affected people differently depending on their economic circumstances. “The rich do not feel its effects that much, but poor people, they really feel a serious problem,”

His Holiness explained that global warming will get more serious in the coming years. He pointed out that major rivers serving a lifelines of Asia that originates from Tibet will be affected since Tibetans are now experiencing lesser snow these days. Such irregularities are making the situation very serious.

The Tibetan leader has been living in exile for 60 years in Dharamsala, northern India. He was awarded the 1989 Nobel Peace Prize for his commitment to the environment and his non-violent campaign in defense of the rights of Tibetans after being invaded by China. The G7 Virtual Summit brought together parliamentarians from Britain, Canada, the European Union, France, Germany, Italy, Japan and the United States.

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