Essence of Buddhism is Compassion: Dalai Lama Inaugurates Thai Temple

Essence of Buddhism is Compassion: Dalai Lama Inaugurates Thai Temple

Buddhist spiritual leader His Holiness the Dalai Lama has inaugurated a new Thai Buddhist Temple in the holy place Bodh Gaya on Thursday according to the report in official website of Central Tibetan Administration. His Holiness told that the essence of Buddhism is compassion and Buddhists can contribute the world with more compassion.

“His Holiness the Dalai Lama on Thursday inaugurated the Thai Bharat Society’s Wat Pa Buddhagaya Vanaram Temple near the Mahabodhi Temple in Bodh Gaya. The Tibetan spiritual leader was received at the new Thai Temple by Chief Abbot of Buddhist Thai Bharat Society, Dr Phra Bhodhinandhamunee and General Secretary, Dr Ratneswar Chakma with a Thai ceremonial welcome.” said the official report in the website of CTA.

During the inaugural speech of His Holiness the Dalai Lama at the Thai Bharat Society’s Way Pa Buddhagaya Vanaram Temple, His Holiness told that the essence of Buddhism is compassion which the world needs and the Buddhists can contribute this to the world.

“I have great respect for all our Dharma transmissions, just as I respect both theistic and non-theistic religious traditions, because humanity benefits from them. Today, even scientists are showing interest in what Buddhism has to say about the mind and emotions. The knowledge we’ve kept alive remains relevant because it can help reduce our negative emotions and the power they have over us.” His Holiness the Dalai Lama  told at the inaugural ceremony of the temple.

“The essence of Buddhism is compassion or karuna. Since the world needs more compassion we should look into how we Buddhists can contribute to it. It’s not a question of converting others to Buddhism, but of seeing how we can contribute to human peace of mind, by, for example, showing how to tackle our negative emotions. That would really benefit humanity.” His Holiness added on Thursday.

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