Chinese Police Brutally Assaults Tibetan Picnic Group

Chinese Police Brutally Assaults Tibetan Picnic Group

Chinese police brutally assaults Tibetan picnic group in Gorum village in Draggo, Sichuan province in Tibet. According to the news report from the Radio Free Asia, Chinese police personals suddenly attacked a group of Tibetan villagers on a picnic on August 25, 2017. The source reported that the police officials brually attacked the Tibetans without any explanation.

“Police in southwestern China’s Sichuan province attacked a group of Tibetan villagers without explanation at the weekend, injuring ten and sending several, including an elderly man, to the hospital, Tibetan sources said.” said the report in Radio Free Asia.

“The Aug. 25 assault was launched against a group of Tibetans from Gorum village in Draggo (in Chinese, Luhuo) county’s Tsogo town who were enjoying a picnic “on their own land”. Suddenly, a group of about 30 police officers arrived and surrounded the Tibetans for no apparent reason,” RFA quoted the source as saying.

When the village head tried to contact their county officials to complain of the harassment, two of police personnel beat him and took him into custody. To the worst, the county official that had accompanied the police directed the police to attack the rest of the villagers.

“In the beating that followed, ten Tibetans were injured, “with one elderly man of about 70 so badly hurt that he had to be rushed to Chengdu city for emergency attention and care,” the source said, adding that others who were injured—including one with a broken rib—were taken to local hospitals.” added the report.

The local Tibetans have demanded explanation from the county authorities, authorities in Sichuan province and the Kardze (Ganzi) Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture, through an appeal to which they did not receive any response.

See also  China Deprives Benefits to Tibetan Family Keeping Dalai Lama Photo at Home

Photo: Voice Of Tibet

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5 responses to “Chinese Police Brutally Assaults Tibetan Picnic Group”

  1. Kunga Avatar

    Such a cruel action by chinese troops. Why your hurting our innocent Tibetan people without anyone reason. I wish chinese troops will suffer the same ache. And I also wish to God that communists China country will face the same situation like Yemen people did like malnutrition. Communist China don’t deserve to live here on earth. Their action are unbearable and painful.

    1. Steve Avatar

      Wishing pain upon others, even those who oppose you as enemies is destructive. It is important for us to extend compassion to even those who’s actions we would condemn, my friend.

  2. Pema Avatar

    CRUEL/ RACIST Coward CHINESE police have fattened up after Exploiting TIBET’s RESOURCES N TERRORIZING TIBETANS for picnicking IN THEIR OWN LAND. CRUELTY is 2nd NATURE to Chinese n HIDE n oppress as they may but HISTORY has time n again SHOWN that TYRANT NATION/ Rulers will meet their sweet end BECOZ what goes around comes around. So, DEATH N DESTRUCTION to CHINA is inevitable . THEY HAVE Committed enough deadly Sins against n the WORLD IS sick of their OPPRESSIVE DOMINATION. SHAMELESS CHINA LIVING OFF TIBETANS LAND N FATTENING UP. COMMUNIST BEGGARS N THUGS.

  3. Ten Avatar

    I hate these Chinese so much….

  4. Wendy S. King Avatar
    Wendy S. King

    Me too! They can’t walk straight and chew bubble gum at the same time! Don’t let them intimidate you! Stand up to their bullying tactics! Democracy for China!

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