Chinese Diplomat Attempted To Confiscate And Destroy A Tibetan's Coverage Of Tibet Briefing At United Nations

Chinese Diplomat Attempted To Confiscate And Destroy A Tibetan’s Coverage Of Tibet Briefing At United Nations

A Chinese diplomat had made a failed attempt to confiscate the coverage of the Tibet briefing meeting held at the United Nations. During the meeting about Human Rights in Tibet-2016 at the sidelines of the 34th sessions of the UN Human Rights council on Friday, a Chinese diplomat tried to confiscate and destroy the coverage of the meeting collected by a Tibetan.

“A Chinese diplomat’s attempt to undermine a Tibet Briefing on the sidelines of the 34th session of the UN Human Rights Council this afternoon fails as the UN Security refused to take any action.” said the official report by Central Tibetan Administration.

The Tibet briefing was made under official segment of “Human Rights in China” by the Council Secretariat at request of the Tibet Bureau in Geneva and organized by the Society for Threatened Peoples, NGO in Consultative Status to UN, based in Germany.

The briefing, “Human Rights in Tibet-2016” began with a brief introduction by the moderator Mr. Ngawang Choephel who also touched upon the historical importance of the Tibetan National Uprising Day of 10 March, in the history of Tibet. From the two speakers invited, only Mr. Vincent Metten, International Campaign for Tibet (ICT) Brussels could make it to the actual meeting.

“The Chinese diplomat, a lady, seemed outraged that a Tibetan participant was covering the briefing on video and photograph inside the room.  As the briefing concluded, she brought a UN Security personnel aiming for the video and photograph contents to be “confiscated” or “deleted.” Not knowing the rules, she even claimed that only the media had the right to cover the event.” said the report.

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The lady was part of the participants in the meeting. “In the end, the UN Security personnel told the Chinese diplomat that the event was a “public meeting” and said that it was the organizers right to use the time to their liking and finally she left without fulfilling her attempt in front of other participants.” added the report.

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