China's New Campaign Targets Dalai Lama Supporters

China’s New Campaign Targets Dalai Lama Supporters

According to the new high level campaign launched by Chinese government against the alleged organized crimes targets those associated with the so called ‘Dalai Lama Clique’ or more specifically against the supporters of the Tibetan spiritual leader His Holiness the Dalai Lama. The campaign was launch as the “21 kinds of dark and evil forces,” a list of new criminal targets of the government.

“Number Two: Individuals associated with the Dalai Lama clique” — supporters of the Tibetan spiritual leader — said the list issued by the Chinese region’s public security bureau. Slightly further down the list were people described as “Protecting the Mother Tongue” — those seeking to preserve the Tibetan language.” said the report in the Fox News on Thursday.

Following the launch of the new large scale campaign from the Communist Government, it is reported that the law enforcement people across the territory of China have been encouraged to crackdown against such forces claiming to bring about a ‘social security’ as well as to “strengthen political power at the grassroots level.”.

“Analysts say the crackdown will help President Xi Jinping win political support in village, county and other lower-level jurisdictions. That could boost his legitimacy as he prepares to rule the country indefinitely following a surprise move to abolish presidential term limits.” added the report, “In Tibet, residents have protested what they regard as China’s heavy-handed rule and worry that their culture is being destroyed through the steady erosion of their native tongue. Beijing, meanwhile, accuses the Dalai Lama of trying to split the territory from China.”

See also  Two Tibetans Arrested for Keeping Dalai Lama Photos

While there are reports stating that after the launch of the new campaign against criminals, local enforcement officials are participating actively. Legal experts and rights groups suggests that this sort of a campaign could lead to troubling the general public and a danger of the local officials to abuse the encouragement granted by the government.

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