China Says Highest Priority Is Eliminating Dalai Lama Roots

China Says Highest Priority Is Eliminating Dalai Lama Roots

China Says Highest Priority is to eliminate the influence of the Dalai Lama roots according to the new top China’s Communist Party leader in Tibet. The party head clearly informed that they will work at countering the Dalai Lama’s influence at the highest priority on its ethnic affairs in Tibet according to Tibet daily.

“First, we must deepen the struggle against the Dalai Lama clique, make it the highest priority in carrying out our ethnic affairs, and the long-term mission of strengthening ethnic unity,” the new Tibet party secretary Wu Yingjie, said in a speech published on Friday in the official Tibet Daily.

China claims to have liberated Tibet by invading it in 1959 and irrespective of all the facts and data, they claim of bringing about development in Tibet. However, the real situation according to the Central Tibetan Administration and other human rights groups explain the sufferings, destruction of ethnic Tibetan traditions and human rights violations in Tibet over the past five decades.

Today China claims Tibet as an inseparable part of Chine since ancient times and many countries have not raised their voices against it owing to their economic connection with China.

“(We must) thoroughly expose the reactionary nature of the fourteenth Dalai Lama, crack down on separatist and subversive activities, and strive to eliminate at their roots harmful elements that damage ethnic unity,” Wu said.

His Holiness the Dalai Lama who is recognized around the world as one of the most inspiring leaders in the world for his efforts to bring out peace, China accuses him of being a separatist.

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His Holiness was felicitated with Noble Peace Prize in 1989 which is the most prestigious recognition given for his works from numerous awards he has been honored with around the world.

The newly appointed party chief Wu Yingjie, a Han Chinese was appointed for the post in late August. He has vowed of stronger criticism against the Dalai Lama just days after his appointment.

Despite severe punishments and torture, Tibetans inside Tibet revere His Holiness the Dalai Lama as their leader and many publicly embrace his spiritual authority by displaying his pictures and praying for his return.

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