China Orders Delta Airlines To Remove Tibet From Country List

China Orders Delta Airlines To Remove Tibet From Country List

After the row over Marriott International’s listing Tibet as a country, China has now ordered the Delta Airlines to remove Tibet from their database that displays it in the countries list. The Chinese authorities has issued warnings to all airlines that operate into Chinese territory to review their databases and remove such ‘illegal’ content from their websites and mobile applications.

The Aviation authority in China has ordered the Delta Airlines on Friday to remove Tibet and Taiwan from its websites listed as countries and make a public apology for the serious mistake immediately.

“China’s aviation authority on Friday said it had asked Delta Air Lines to investigate why Taiwan and Tibet were listed as countries on its website, and demanded an “immediate and public” apology.” said the report in the Reuters.

Chinese regulators have also rebuked fashion brand Zara and medical device maker Medtronic who had listed Taiwan as a separate country. In addition to public apology, other companies have been directed to check their websites and other platforms related with customer management to “strictly comply with China’s laws and regulations to prevent a similar thing from happening”.

‘One China Policy’ strongly adheres to the strict propaganda that regions like Tibet, Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macau are not separate countries but a territory under the union of mainland China. The authorities also requires any foreign company bringing business to the country to strictly comply to these policies.

The hotel group Marriott International has also been punished by blocking its websites and mobile apps after it was found listing Tibet, Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macau as separate countries in a survey form it distribute among the premium members on Thursday.

See also  Leading Hotel Chain Listed Tibet As A Country, Chinese Issue Boycott Threat

China has been overly sensitive to the geographical politics, especially regions like Tibet and Taiwan are never spared by the Asian giant. However, Tibet support groups across the world have welcomed the issue where many Chinese netizens expressed anger against the companies that listed Tibet as a separate country.

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