Tibet news
Second US Report on Tibet Access Shows Consistent Chinese Restriction
In the second annual report by the US State Department on Tibet Access law, Chinese have made no improvements. The law passed two years back by US requires for the state department to produce an annual report on the situation of access to Tibetan areas for the citizens of US. The new report shows there…
Ama Adhe Tortured for 27 Years in Chinese Prisons, Passes Away at 92
One of the longest serving Tibetan political prisoners, Ama Adhe has passed away at 92 in India. The former political prisoner passed away at her residence in McLeod Ganj, North India on Monday morning. According to people close to her, she was not suffering from any health issues and therefore she has passed away due…
Tibetan Origin Ranked Among Most Powerful Women in Banking in US
A Tibetan origin in the United States has been ranked among 15 most powerful women in Banking. Tenzin Dasal Alexander, an executive at Columbus Ohio’s bank holding company Huntington Bancshares is one of the 15 business executives highlighted by the ‘Most Powerful Women in Banking: Next list’ of 2020, according the American Banker journal.
Tibetans Barred Entry But Chinese Tourists Can Visit Lhasa’s Holy Site!
According to sources of a Tibetan news agency, Tibetan people are barred from entering holy sites in Lhasa but Chinese tourists can visit them. With one of the worst rankings over human rights situation in Tibet, local people are being forced discriminated in their own land during such a time of global health crisis spreading…
China Closes US Consulate in Chengdu, Free Ride for Human Rights Abuse in Tibet?
China has ordered the closure of US Consulate in Chengdu and will that mean a free ride for human rights abuse in Tibet? In retaliation of US order to close down a Chinese consulate, the Beijing authorities on Monday shut down the US consulate. The reaction could mean the loss of a key office that…
China Imposes 7 Years Jail Term On 2 Tibetans Singing a Song in Praise of Dalai Lama
The authorities of Communist China has announced a seven years jail term to Tibetans who were detained for singing a song in praise of their exiled spiritual leader His Holiness the Dalai Lama. While this is not any unusual news for the Tibetans under Chinese occupation, such repressive measures are unheard of for the people…
With All Recovered, Mundgod Tibetan Settlement Becomes Free of COVID-19
Mundgod Tibetan refugees settlement in South India has now become free of COVID-19 as two remaining positive cases recover. With the discharge of two remaining Tibetan patients of Coronavirus from local municipal hospital, one of the largest Tibetan refugee settlements have now brought the total number of positive cases to zero.
Tibetan Girl Tops Class 12 Board Exams from Indian District
A Tibetan girl has topped an Indian district in the ISC class 12 board exams this year. While the results of all the boards exams in India came out late, it is a good news for the Tibetan refugees with exceptional performances by the students this year. The Tibetan schools have shown a record improvement…
Tibetan Homes School Tops CBSE Class 12 Exams in Mussoorie
The Tibetan Homes School has topped the CBSE class 12 exams in Mussoorie region in India. Following the announcement of CBSE class 12 results, students from the Tibetan school surprised the entire Tibetan diaspora with excellent results. The school topper is also the topper among all the students from schools in the region of Mussoorie.
20 Tibetan Refugee Students Score Above 95% in CBSE Class 12 Results
In a historic feat, 20 Tibetan refugee students have scored above 95% marks in the CBSE class 12 results. The CBSE declared the class 12 exam results on Monday after a prolonged delay due to the Coronavirus pandemic. As students have been waiting anxiously for their most important exam results, the Monday announcement came with…