Can Arnab Goswami be our journalist in Exile Tibetan Media?

An intriguing part of exile Tibetan’s Media is very euphemistic and idealistic because they talk more politely and question diplomatically. Despite their best technologies, they fail to live up to the expectation of our people. They can’t play the role that media should necessarily play during such hectic periods. Or are they heavily dependent on CTA? They are, in reality, not independent at all. They can’t be the interface between common people and those at CTA, particularly parliamentarians. In other words, they don’t bear the responsibility of other side of media. Media doesn’t only mean disseminating on-going issues and politics, but it means a lot to represent people’s voice by curbing the irrelevant powers of any individual at centre.

That important aspect of media is lacking in exile Tibetan. Our reasons may vary but we all might have felt the lapses and flaws of our media body during recently held election. Which media channel came forward and put the hottest and realistic questions to our Sikyong candidates? It was neither VOA, nor VOT, nor RFA but people in TIPA auditorium during a debate being organized by NDTP. They raised their voice without any hesitation and fear in order to find a just answer from candidates. Why can’t our Media act like this?

The sluggish movement of democracy is highly catalyzed by these Medias where they feed their stomachs and leave the systems famished. The daily basis coverage of events is not merely the role of Tibetan Medias in exile because we have Indian Medias. The latter does produce more pressure on our politicians than our Medias do. If we look at India’s political scenario, the most politicians are afraid of Medias as they never let their misdeeds to be known by Medias because they know the power of Media where a minute coverage of their misdeeds can change their destiny in politics. Indian Medias were able to recognize their prerogatives (regarded as fourth pillar of Democracy). In other words, they are fearless.

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Hence, the evil participation of people’s minds in recently held election is a corollary of flawed Medias to whom we rely on. Let me now digress from my focal point and illustrate a clear picture of real Media i.e. happening in India. You all are well familiar with journalist like Arnab Goswami, Karan Thapar and so on. Prime Minister Narendra Modi the then Chief Minister of Gujurat ran away from the studio while Karan Thapar was interviewing him. How could a simple journalist gain a gut to dare those powers at the Centre or State level? The spontaneous answer is simple that they are Media who hold a great power in democracy. Then, what happened to our Medias in Exile Tibetan community? The situation could have been better if our Medias represented our voice against the candidates of Sikyong in 2016 election. If you also watch Times Now debate by Arnab Goswami, you will realize the lacking aspects of our Medias in Exile Tibetan community. Look at those thorough investigation matters of Arnab Goswami being poured on panelists while debating. Thus, politicians are afraid of Media than their rival politicians. Frankly Speaking with Arnab is another epitome of journalists. Watch Arnab’s interview on Amitabh Bachchan at following link:

Why can’t our journalists in Exile Tibetan community act like Arnab Goswami? I know you can’t be like him but try to turn yourself into you. Our journalists start asking questions based on assumption being assessed at the last minute because questions don’t have any weight, which even can’t strike respective candidates. The candidates will come up with preparation and sweat if our Medias prove to be the real Media and journalist. If my assumption is not wrong, there wasn’t any Media who really irritated our Sikyong candidates and parliamentarians. Who did? There wasn’t. All journalists were grinning while asking questions. Was that a respect or flaw of a journalist? I don’t know. There were three major debates between two Sikyong candidates in 2016 election. Many questions were thrown on them, but there wasn’t a satisfactory answer. We felt it. Why couldn’t they feel it? Why can’t they say, we don’t get it clear or not satisfied. Why? I really don’t get this point.

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I am very sorry if I went against any individual’s sentiments particularly to those journalists who appeared to be a journalist in recently held election. I am sorry because I have no option. I don’t want a society fond of appreciations, flatters, ignorant of  criticisms and critiques. I don’t like those jaw-bone citizens who keep speaking and do nothing. We should all strive to be back-bone citizens who can hold our lost nation tactfully.

I would wind-up my thought here by asking a question. Can there be a journalist like Arnab Goswami in our Exile Tibetan Meida? If you say ‘No’, then why can’t we say, “we will try”.

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