Bollywood Actor Lisa Ray Shares Dalai Lama's Live Teachings With Fans

Bollywood Actor Lisa Ray Shares Dalai Lama’s Live Teachings With Fans

Bollywood actor Lisa Ray share the Tibetans spiritual leader His Holiness the Dalai Lama’s live teachings with her fans. The actor posted on her social media informing her fans about the Buddhist spiritual leader’s special teaching today. During the full moon of Saka Dawa, His Holiness conferred the ceremony for generating Bodhichitta.

During the spiritual leader’s approximately half an hour teaching, he taught carried the Ceremony for Generating Bodhichitta (semkye in Tibetan), which would help cultivate and awaken your minds. Saka Dawa is the month that aims at honouring Buddha’s life as during month from Lunar Calendar, Gautam Buddha was born, achieved enlightenment as well as passed away.

Lisa Ray is a is an Indian Canadian actor, author, columnist, model, performer, philanthropist, social activist, television and theater personality. When many people were looking for an alternative on the special day, she shared this auspicious teaching from His Holiness and guided on how to watch it live without getting out of our homes.

After being lock into homes due to the outbreak of Coronavirus, His Holiness the Dalai Lama resorted to virtual teachings. This is the third teaching from the spiritual leader since the pandemic prevailed across the world. A series of discussions, teachings and talks from the spiritual leader is schedule to take place later month via live webcasts.

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Amidst the Coronavirus pandemic, people are confined to their houses and many followers requested for advice from His Holiness the Dalai Lama. The live webcasts of his teachings in Tibetan, English, Chinese, Hindi, French, Russian, Spanish, Vietnamese, Japanese, Mongolian, Korean, German, Portuguese and Italian on the official websites and Facebook pages of the Office of His Holiness the Dalai Lama.

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