Better late than never: What should be India’s New China Policy!

Better late than never: What should be India’s New China Policy!

What exiled Tibetans have been voicing for sixty years, now the people and government of India have begun to realize and take note of following SFF Tibetan Brave-hearts busting the ass of PLA in the Mountains of Ladakh territory:  In Independence of Tibet lies the ultimate security of India!

  1. India should review and reevaluate its Tibet policy and recalibrate its force and scope by officially supporting the people of Tibet’s fundamental right to self-determination and right to full freedom, liberty, and democracy.  Right now the Tibetans in occupied Tibet are denied even basic human rights in their ancestral land and have been reduced to the status of the second class citizen in their own country, Tibet!
  2. CCP China has never respected any bilateral treaty or agreement executed between Independent Tibet and British India. Therefore, immediately upon touching Indian soil in April 1959, at Tezpur, Assam, His Holiness the Dalai Lama then as the head of the Government-in-Exile of Independent Tibet, officially and formally REPUDIATED the so-called 17 Point Agreement ( Peaceful Liberation of Tibet) which was forced upon Tibetan Government in 1951 by Maoist China. That Agreement remains null and void since then due to the simple reason that the Chinese themselves had breached and dishonored every single clause of the Agreement.
  3. The area of Tawang which the Beijing claims to be part of southern Tibet and is asserting its territorial right, therefore, was ceded to British India by the then Plenipotentiary of Independent Tibet under the 1914 SHIMLA AGREEMENT signed between Henry McMahon as the Plenipotentiary of British India, Lochen Shatra, plenipotentiary of Independent Tibet and Ivan Chen, plenipotentiary of KMT Government of China, on equal footing. 
  4. His Holiness the Dalai Lama and His government in exile continue to uphold the validity and legality of that Agreement ( 1914 SHIMLA AGREEMENT).  
See also  Tibetan Youth Says Thank You India with this Poem

Now if CCP China is disputing the validity of that 1914 Shimla Agreement to lay its Claim over Part of Arunachal Pradesh including Mon Tawang, China must also forego its legal right to the greater part of Tibet which China had merged into its major Provinces leaving merely one-third of historical Tibet to be designated as TAR ( Tibet Autonomous Region) for the simple reason that that division of historical Tibet into Inner and Outer Tibet was originally conceived and demarcated in this very 1914 Shimla Agreement. The very reason the Chinese Plenipotentiary agreed to the clauses of the Agreement was this. If Beijing today argues that SHIMLA AGREEMENT was not rectified by the then KMT Government, then again, China must first agree to relinquish its right to incorporate the greater part of historical Tibet into its provinces, as they derived this right from this very Agreement.

Certain misinformed Indian politicians wrongly blame Late PM Shri Atal Ji for Beijing’s incorporation into Chinese provinces of the greater part of Historical Tibet comprising a large part of KHAM and AMDO region of Tibet, this is NOT TRUE; it is malicious to say so!  

Unless India wakes up to the reality and severity of the CCP China’s Han Superiority Middle Kingdon Syndrome and its ever-increasing EXPANSIONIST greed, no amount of appeasement and accommodative policies is going to deliver instead will eventually suffer the same heart-breaking fate as that of Prine Minister Nehru did at the end of the short-lasted bonhomie of “Hindi-Chini- Bhai Bhai” political euphoria!

See also  India Allows Tibetans in Foreign Countries to Return Amid Global Travel Ban

Time is now for India to shed every residual illusion of ‘Hindi-Chini-Bhai Bhai” and ” firmly believe that “CHINA IS THE ENEMY NUMBER ONE OF INDIA”, in letter and spirit, and go on full throttle to meet the challenge and counter China’s Expansionist Plan with all the might under its command.  For that India’s best USP is the Issue of Tibet’s forcible illegal occupation by CCP China and 60 year-long oppression and cultural genocide perpetrated against the people of Tibet.  It is India’s moral and political responsibility to stand up for Tibet and stand behind Tibet’s aspiration to be free from CCP Chinese occupation and evil rule. 

Tibetan people’s aspiration and their faith and loyalty to India is the biggest leverage India has over China’s military adventurism and India must play its Tibet Card in full force not only to secure India’s territorial integrity and peace but also to maneuver the ongoing Tibetan Freedom Struggle to give it the much-needed push and force to pave the way for early realization of self-rule for Tibet and eventually to restore Tibet’s lost Independence!

India can do the following things for Tibetan refugees living in India:

  1. Discontinue issuing out-dated and unrealistic RC ( ( Foreigner’s) Registration Certificate) to the Tibetan refugees which treat them as foreign tourists, which does not hold any constitutional rationale or logic now that a sizeable number of Tibetan refugee population in India constitutes a large number of new generation Tibetans born, brought up and educated in India.
  2. Replace the existing RC with Uniform Single Yellow Passport or IC (Identity Certificate) which is currently used by Tibetan refugees and their Travel Document. 
  3. Grant Indian Citizenship to any Tibetan who has lived in India for more than 20 years – not to speak of everyone born in India. 
  4. Increase the size and caliber of the SFF Vikas Regiment and also recruit more young Tibetans with flexible recruitment eligibility criteria.
  5. The government should provide more incentives to the Tibetans living in the Settlements to check their migration to foreign countries, or very soon, only Tibetans visible in India will be monks and nuns in the largely empty Monasteries and Nunneries. Tibetans migrating to foreign countries is a political, economic, and cultural loss of India, which the Indian Government needs to understand. The existing RC processing and related problems faced by uneducated Tibetans and Tibetan college students and limited economic and job prospects are the major cause and reasons for Tibetans migrating to foreign countries. In the long run, India without Tibetan Community will give a huge advantage to Beijing in dealing with unresolved border disputes with India.  
See also  Indian Government Directs Tibetans To Register RCs Online By March 2018



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One response to “Better late than never: What should be India’s New China Policy!”

  1. Love ya but hate ya too Avatar
    Love ya but hate ya too

    I could tell this writer is “ཧྲི་TIBET”, who lacks essay writing skills as he does not use punctuation marks, where necessary, and his sentences are 100 – 200 words long.
    Dude, people have called you out before in using punctuation marks and breaking down your writings into paragraphs.
    However I appreciate your writings and so does many other readers … ahh … if only you improve on essay writing skills.

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