Benedict Cumberbatch Inspired From Tibetan Monks to Play Doctor Strange

The upcoming Marvels comic movie Doctor Strange was not something that was always in the wish list or dreams of the current casting lead actor Benedict Cumberbatch “It’s not something that I had on my bucket list, as they would say,” says Cumberbatch according to a new report in EW.

Cumberbatch had spent a summer teaching English to Tibetan monks 20 years ago during his teenage years. He was astonished by the exposure to the totally new world. “It was an unfair exchange,” the British actor told. “Basically, they taught me reams, fathoms, more than I could possibly begin [to teach them]. I became interested in the meeting point between Western logic and Eastern mysticism.”

Today, two decades later, the actor who is starring in Doctor Strange, he has told that he realized Stephen Strange’s tale, being an injured physician and coming to accept the reality of supernatural forces and alternate dimension, would be one that he wanted the chance to explore.

“I knew it was on [Marvel’s] slate, I knew it was coming up, so I got invested in it and I was interested,” he says. “What happens here in this origin story is, Strange realizes the power he has within his body is not about his body. It’s something that’s beyond the causal-temporal-linear-reality that he knows so well as a [surgeon]. We come from this very causal world into this mystical, magical world of other realms and sorcery.”

Doctor Strange hits theaters November 4, 2016.

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One response to “Benedict Cumberbatch Inspired From Tibetan Monks to Play Doctor Strange”

  1. Tseringchoedon11 Avatar

    Great job!

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