Lukar Jam Atsok, The ‘People-Elected’ Opponent of The Dalai Lama

More than six decades of refuge in a foreign country should’ve precipitated for an intense and violent longing for freedom. However, comfort and the new age materialistic struggle has effaced prominent ideas and has left, in its place, a shallow outlook on the concept of freedom and the disturbing habit of expressing gratitude. Non-violence has always been the fulcrum of the idea of Tibetan independence; but except for peaceful marches in New Delhi, there is little proof regarding the accepted nature of the Tibetan freedom struggle and those who carry it.

Lukar Jam Atsok, a fierce proponent of complete independence for Tibet and a critique of the Dalai Lama, has been the face of condemnation for many Tibetans. His poem for the late Elliot Sperling where he expressed that the historian should’ve lived for 113 years drew immediately censure from people online and which eventually resulted in the vandalization of his vehicle outside his residence in Dharamsala. The outrage is understandable, but the fanaticism is not.

Even though the Dalai Lama has made it explicitly clear that he is not perturbed by his critiques, it is the Tibetan people who have decided to carry the mantle of righteousness and in turn decide what will be allowed to be said about the Dalai Lama and what will not be allowed. Many Tibetans view the inherent luxury of comfortable refuge as a gift from His Holiness and in a bid to express their gratitude and service, they have taken to fiercely defending the 14th Dalai Lama in his dotage.
This shallow outlook on the perception of Tibetan freedom struggle, that Tibet means about the Dalai Lama and his people, that Dalai Lama’s survival holds true the existence of Tibet and that views and opinions about how Tibetans should proceed ahead is only a chess game restricted to the boundaries of the Tibetan parliament in Dharamsala, have undeniably corrupted the essence of being a Tibetan refugee. Direct criticisms from the Tibetan Prime Minister’s office have not made it easier for critiques and writers to voice their concerns about the movement. And in the farrago of uncertain times where bodies immolate next to each other, the vision has been blurred and narrowed.

Violence is not disagreement, it is violence. The 14th Dalai Lama previously held both the position of being the political leader and the religious leader. His policies towards China which have largely been about mutual benefit and not detrimental to one party has undeniably impended for China practicing more laxity in occupied Tibet (the focus being). When a writer like Lukar Jam criticizes the Middle Way policy, he has all the rights and sensibilities to share his own opinion on the matter no matter how disagreeable his views are. Criticising the Tibet policy is not anti-Dalai Lama, as is wishing that Sperling had gone on to live 113 years.

Attack on writers and critiques are akin to Chinese troops subjecting ‘separatists’ to imprisonment. If not for the law of the land which seemingly holds justice against people deprived of identity, how volatile will be the situation then; how unabashed will be the naysayers?

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12 responses to “Lukar Jam Atsok, The ‘People-Elected’ Opponent of The Dalai Lama”

  1. Namo Avatar

    As a refugee and separated from once’s homeland, I can only say that Lukar Jam in a way deserve to be reprimanded for his consistent effort to undermine our beloved spiritual leader, Dalai Lama. In my eyes, there is no comparison between Dalai Lama and what Lukar Jam achieved so far. Tibetan people are not fool to get carried away by the empty promises and the wishful thinking of this so called Lukar Jam.

    Lukar Jam is alike the Chinese hardliners when it comes to demonize Dalai Lama. We will always stand by His Holiness the Dalai Lama. That’s it.

  2. tsering Avatar

    Do you guys have any proof that the situation happen because of that article ?

  3. Jigme Avatar

    Utterly misinformed article.

  4. Tenzin chodon Avatar

    Extremely sad to heard this violence towards lukar jam Atsok .we all tibetan should stand for unity of democracy and fight of right towards our red Chinese. Besides geting voilence inside our tibet is real foolish. So now time come we all should wake up and watch outside….

  5. Bhumshul Sonam Lhundup Avatar
    Bhumshul Sonam Lhundup

    If Lukar Jam is opponent of His Holiness Dalai Lama, then there is thousands of Tibetans are opponents of His Holiness. Because they want complete independence from China. They saying openly and fight for it openly.

    If you want know, who is opponent of His Holiness Dalai. You must know, that is not Lukar Jam and Tibet independent fighter, but it is Chinese Government and it’s cruel rule.

    1. jamyang Avatar

      I don’t think people are against for his ideology for complete independence .It’s rather his competitiveness against His holiness the Dalai lama that is making tibetan people stand against him and his indirect remarks against him that piss the people off

  6. Kalsang Phuntsok Avatar
    Kalsang Phuntsok

    “Criticizing the Tibet policy is not anti-Dalai Lama, as is wishing that Sperling had gone on to live 113 years.” If I am not wrong, Lukar mentioned that the one who needs to live 113 yrs is you, implying the Dalia Lama is not the one who should live for 113 yrs. The reaction to it has nothing to do with criticizing the Tibet policy.

  7. Lobsang Khenrap Avatar
    Lobsang Khenrap

    The Writer pretended to be wise and far sighted himself but his article reflects bias. Have you ever read, listen and contemplate on all those interviews conducted with Lukar in Tibetan? Have you read Lukar’s recent aritcle and his explanation? I don’t think you did well study to all those but jumped into conclusion to make judgment of him to have the freedom of speech and Tibetans who showed their concern about Lukar’s baseless criticism or allegation to His Holiness are fanatic. People like you always pretend to be wise or scholar and allege others fanatic when they express their concern about His Holiness. His Holiness has selflessly and sincerely dedicated his entire life for the cause of Tibet and Tibetans. Therefore, he is unforgetable great leader of Tibet and do not deserve to be called traitor or make sarcastic of his expectation to live 113 years old. I am asking you, Do you think Lukar has freedom of speech to write sarcastic article and call traitor to His Holiness? If yes, you are one of Lukar and if you have doubt then you write after study well about the context.

  8. Rangchung Avatar

    It’s very sad we tibetan don’t understand pros and cons of any negative remarks towards holiness paying huge lost for Tibetan unity and image of supporting Chinese to Tibet will be dilemma!
    Every-time shugden group protest for holiness in some part of the world and in tibetan community backbites and non-corporation with shugden or whoever dislike holiness! Then Is there any difference between Lukar Jam’s words and shugden or Chinese agents? For me lukar’s comment was awful and it’s direct and unprofessional? He might be innocent but regarding unprofessional comments and speeches deliver by responsible person should be taken into consideration and investigate. The freedom of expression has also limitations as per rules of the country and it’s situation. The Dalai Lama is Tibet eternal till free Tibet after that free country new laws can be create that’s different case, Tibet today is very volatile and only unity is win. So any bad comments for holiness should be censored and watch careful! It’s the responsible of elected judiciary members to conclude. This kind is possible and new procedures should be implemented. In china and N. Korea there have law to kill if any citizen disgrace leaders but we tibetan in exile no country, only others command need to follow the steps and so Tibetans totally rely on holiness’s movement. This should be important for general tibetan except few percentage. There is no supporters to Tibet in reality of logic analysis in present Tibet only the grace of holiness and his teaching of compassion made the world citizen in sympathy.

  9. Ankortsang Dechen Avatar
    Ankortsang Dechen

    Supporting Lukar Jam’s free speech is not equal to disrespecting His Holiness. His Holiness has praised late Prof. Dawa Norbu for speaking his mind, and say ‘we need more articulate people like him’. His Holiness is not involving in this affair himself, because this is an excercise or drill for us Tibetans to test and experiment with our democracy. This is his vision of future Tibet where Tibetan struggle will go on even after he departs the scene. Lukar Jam is not fighting against His Holiness, he’s fighting against China. He is fighting so hard he is going for 100% tibetan independence whilst of us seek only 70% or some even less, to be honest. So if you say, defending Lukar Jam is betraying His Holiness, then you are truly exaggerating. It is not really a bad thing if we have a one or two blokes in society who make controversial statements from time to time. This is in one way good for keeping our politics alive and make people think and judge for themselves.

  10. DalaiLama supporter Avatar
    DalaiLama supporter

    When did lukar jam came to India. Half of my life was raised in India, no such people who came-across and talk to Dalai Lama like this or our government in exile. He should be more thankful instead to the government in exile or atlease,how graceful His Holiness. He have a roof to sleep and place to stay in exile.

  11. DTP Avatar

    I don’t think ‘The People’ elected him to oppose His Holiness the Dalai Lama. So the very title “Lukar Jam Atsok, The ‘People-Elected’ Opponent of The Dalai Lama” seems quite unfair by the author of this article.

    What ever he said or wrote are his own and therefore, doesn’t represent views of any other person or people.

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