2 Tibetan students arrested at school for opposing only Chinese instruction


According to RFA, In the province of Qinghai in northwestern China, two Tibetan students have been held accused of not using the Chinese language as the only teaching medium in Tibetan schools. Gyuldrak and Yangrik had challenged a new Chinese education policy that would require only Chinese-language instruction at middle school. The two 19-year-old inhabitants, Gyuldrak and Yangrik, were brought into jail by Chinese authorities on Tuesday, as a Tibetan living in the region informed the RFA, in the county of Darlag in Qinghai’s Golog (Guoluo, Chinese).

Taking a WeChat social media platform against the Chinese policy mandate, starting in September, both middle school pupils are expected to draw Police attention to teaching all lessons in local schools in Chinese solely. Tibetan parents are instructed in place of the older Tibetan texts to collect Chinese textbooks when testing COVID-19, RFA claimed on the anonymous condition.

In Sichuán, neighboring Tibet, where Tibetan private schools have been closed and children sent to government schools amid parents’ concerns about the links that they have with the native Tibetan language and culture, the new language policy has also already provoked widespread opposition among Tibets.

At Darlag County Police Station, Gyuldrak and Yangrik presently are being held, says the RFA’s source. In keeping with the region, Chinese authorities are restraining Tibetans’ political activities, expressing their cultural and religious identity in a peaceful way, and putting Tibetans under persecution, torture, jail, and extrajudicial murder.

Sources suggest that Tibetan rights of language have become a focus of attempts in recent years to promote national identity, with informally organized language schools in monasteries and cities considered to be “illegal associations” and inmate and arrested professors.

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China is replacing Tibetan-language schooling with education almost entirely in Chinese and coercing parents to send their children to faraway residential schools in a renewed effort to eliminate the Tibetan identity. Rinchen Kyi, a Tibetan teacher was arrested and charged with separatism after her school was forcibly closed.

News Source: RFA

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