1212 German Mayors Hoist Tibetan National Flag On March 10

According to the news sources, 1,212 cities, municipalities and counties across Germany hoisted the Tibetan national flag on 10 March at town halls and public buildings while at the same time displaying the flag on their websites to show support and solidarity to the Tibet issue.

Tibet Initiative Deutschland, the German Tibet Support Group initiated the project in 1996 since when they have been executing this event every March 10. Hoisting the Tibetan National Flag on the most prominent buildings they were expressing the general opinion of the regional citizens’s support and solidarity for Tibet.

The organisers press release stated their reason behind hosting the ‘Flag for Tibet’ event as “the Tibetan people’s right to self-determination and protest against the violations of human rights and the destruction of the Tibetan people’s culture, religion and national identity,”.

“It is time now for the international community to listen to the Tibetan people and to put the long neglected Tibet problem on its agenda”, said Monika Deimann-Clemens, coordinator of the flag for Tibet, “otherwise we become responsible for a further escalation of the situation in Tibet”.

In the Czech Republic which is one of the most prominent pro Free Tibet nations in the world, Tibetan flags have been displayed on a record number of 740 Czech town halls and 113 schools joining the campaign.

In Switzerland 200 local councils and municipalities hoisted the Tibetan flag and around 20 Italian regional councils have passed motions condemning the Chinese atrocities in Tibet.

Ile de France also passed a resolution last year to fly the Tibetan Flag on March 10 every year and this year also they hoisted the Tibetan National Flag elegantly.

See also  NGOs Appeal Swiss Govt. to Step Up Protection of Tibetans
Tibetan National Flag Hoisted at Ile de France
Tibetan National Flag Hoisted at Ile de France

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