A French man, Hugues Picon, a hardcore football fan while at the same a strong supporter of Tibet got detained during the final match of Russia 2018 FIFA World Cup in Moscow for carrying Tibetan National flag. Hugues Picon in a recent interview post the incident said that Tibet is his life and he is proud of having raised the Tibetan flag at the biggest sports platform.
While millions of people around the were engaged in watching the final match of the latest version of FIFA World Cup on last Sunday, Hugues Picon was detained by the Moscow police and he had to spend the evening in their custody despite having the ticket to watch final match between three times champion France and the underdog Croatia at the stadium.
Hugues Picon who has been updating his activities, lots of pictures from the semi final match between France and Belgium explained that he sported the Tibetan national flag live from the stadium also wrote to call for help and told that Putin is afraid of His Holiness the Dalai Lama. The French activist was roaming across Russia carrying the Tibetan National flag.
“Hugues said he became a Tibet lover after he along with five other people from France lived in Tibet in 1990’s and were among the very few foreigners living in Tibet. He had met His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama on 14 July 1986 privately, on the same day France observed its National Day.” said the report after the interview by Tibet TV from DIIR, Central Tibetan Administration, Dharamsala.
“Wherever I go I take Tibetan national flag. Tibet is always there in my heart. I live in Tibet, I eat Tibet, my son has a Tibetan name and Tibet is my life,” Hugues Picon told in the interview according to the report, “I love football, I missed the game and I was so sad. In the second half of the game, I asked police whether I would be allowed to go back to watch the game and they took me to a police station. I was released later. I was sad but now after two days but I’m very proud of what I have done.” Mr. Picon added.

Hugues Picon’s news of having got detained by the Moscow police just before the beginning of the final match of Russia 2018 FIFA world cup came through the update on his Facebook account where he state that he is not able to watch the match and asked his friends for the score while at the same time sharing the picture of himself and the Tibetan flag in custody.
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